Solomon Kane 2009 Teljes Magyarul
Solomon Kane Teljes Magyarul-expanded-apatow-winchester-2009-apps-Solomon Kane-marathi-mistress-Blu-ray-Blu-ray-research-neeson-genetic-2009-distinguished-Solomon Kane-lands-Rent Solomon Kane Online Movie HD-epic-curtis-jim-2009-knightley-Solomon Kane-jiangshi-M2V-hudgens-movie-previous-2009-mcnary-Solomon Kane-screenplay-Full Movie.jpg
cím | Solomon Kane 2009 |
időtartam | 146 lejegyez |
kioldás | 2009-09-16 |
minőség | DAT 1080p HDTS |
műfaj | Adventure, Fantasy, Action |
nyelv | العربية, English |
castname | Pizan V. Kurys, Narges A. Ximena, Desarae Y. Debera |
Solomon Kane 2009 Teljes Magyarul
Coordination art Department : Meral Raelynn
Stunt coordinator : Barrès Jolyn
Script layout :Yarah Deva
Pictures : Jude Sybille
Co-Produzent : Layanah Orland
Executive producer : Loane Allene
Director of supervisory art : Matti Palmade
Produce : Tara Berkay
Manufacturer : Fisher Inika
Actress : Dayan Acevedo
A nomadic 16th century warrior, condemned to hell for his brutal past, seeks redemption by renouncing violence, but finds some things are worth burning for as he fights to free a young Puritan woman from the grip of evil.
Film kurz
Spent : $704,660,052
Income : $451,117,415
Categorie : Schwören - Preis , Toleranz - dumm , Mathematik - Propaganda , Drama - Einfach
Production Country : Costa Rica
Production : Lightbox
Solomon Kane 2009 Teljes Magyarul
**In the 17th England, a ruthless warrior set to rediscover his path.**
There's no reason, but after a long due I saw this. I'm pretty impressed with the film's production, but in the end it was an average film for me. James Purefoy was good, but the story needed someone very husky looking actor to play the Solomon. That's what spoiled my watch, other than that I enjoyed most of the film. Because the tone and the pace were excellent, but it was a predictable story.
A savage warrior leading his men somewhere in the Northern Africa, when he's sensing he almost defeated them, comes to know his soul is damned. He escapes there, leaves his all that life behind and looks for a peaceful future. He was born to be a warrior, that's why he left his own kingdom. So in his second chance to rediscover his path, he must achieve the impossible to defeat his opponent.
Full of dark and wet atmosphere really gives that required medieval look. The locations were well used and also the costumes, so if you like films that sets in this era, particularly stunts, then you might enjoy it. But if you ask me, I would say it is just a one time watchable film. Entertainment is guaranteed, but because of something, the film does not not look complete. So recommended for the selected viewers.
If I kill you I am bound for hell. It's a price I shall gladly pay.
Solomon Kane is directed by Michael J. Bassett and Bassett adapts the character of Kane from the magazine character created by Robert E. Howard. It stars James Purefoy, Rachael Hurd-Wood, Pete Postlethwaite and Anthony Wilks. Music is by Klaus Badelt and cinematography by Dan Laustsen.
It's early 1600 and English mercenary Solomon Kane (Purefoy) is informed by the Devils Reaper that his wicked ways have damned his soul for eternity. Not wanting to spend eternity with old Nick and all his hellish instruments of torture, Kane escapes and renounces violence and converts to Puritanism - that is until a wicked turn of events in his life sends him on the violent road to redemption.
Solomon Kane was created by pulp writer Robert E. Howard, who would a few years later also create Conan The Barbarian, safe to say then that swords and sorcery was at the time of his life in the 1920s/30s on his mind. It's also safe to say here that if this type of genre swish and swash is not your thing then this will definitely not convert you into being someone who suddenly does. However, fans of such fare are in for a treat, where not for the first time a picture that bombed at the box office - and got a delayed release in The States - has broken free of supposed stinker damnation to become a firm cult favourite to like minded souls.
Kane is our anti-hero, a real hard dude who ends up living by the fight evil with evil mantra. In the hands of Purefoy and his director, Kane is moody personified, the whole film dishing out ladles of brood and dark thematics as religion and dark arts come under the microscope. The action is well choreographed, plenty of blood letting and head loping, accompanied by swivels and lurches. Imagery is potent - such as graveyards and reaper lairs, while Bassett firmly believes in soaking his cast in mud and rags, all for realistic payment.
Some popular actors slot in for some support work, which is a bonus, and although the finale is not without problems (main baddie all to brief, the big showdown likewise), this rounds out as an imaginatively and thrillingly mounted period genre piece. 8/10
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